
人力资源外包服务 人力资源外包, 人力资源外包提供商提供广泛的人力资源服务, 是将人力资源职能承包给外部服务提供商的做法。这些职能通常包括工资管理、人力资源运营、员工福利管理、招聘、培训以及遵守劳动法律法规。
Common HR Outsourcing Services
Companies can outsource various HR functions, depending on current requirements and needs. For instance, companies can opt for recruitment or administration services if they require more help hiring candidates and filing taxes.
Here is the complete list of available HR outsourcing services:
- Applicant tracking
- Background screening
- 搜索和招聘
- Assessment & Interviewing
- 分包
- Permanent role/ Contract role/Temporary staffing
- 资历检查
Project Management
- 寻找并筛选服务提供商/分包商
- Delivery Management Coordination
- 益处
- Awards and recognition
- 员工手册
- 入职前简报
- 持续签到
- 高效处理
- Payroll and taxes
- 休假处理
- Attendance
- 采购
- 就业信
- 入职
- 采购和租赁
- 安保与保障
- 会议和会议
- 文具及办公工具
Confidentiality & Compliances
- 个人数据隐私和工作隐私
- 劳动法
- 法定缴纳款
- 终止雇佣关系
- 停止运营
Is Outsourcing HR Tasks Necessary?
The decision to outsource HR tasks depends on the company’s requirements and needs. Thus, the company should identify the goals and objectives before outsourcing HR.
Companies can first find out which of the following aligns with their current priorities and needs:
- To develop a more robust internal HR system with advanced software and train the team to use the system
- Hire an in-house HR team to handle all the tasks internally within the company
- Maintain a partnership with a human resources outsourcing (HRO) provider and outsource all HR-related tasks to the third-party provider
- Maintain the current HR systems without making any changes
2. 专注于核心活动
3. 获取专业知识
5. 降低风险
- 效率 :外包人力资源职能有助于改进流程并减少行政工作量。
- 获取技术 :人力资源公司经常利用先进的技术和软件来提高生产力并实现日常任务的自动化。
- 增强专注力 :通过委派日常人力资源任务,企业可以更加专注于战略增长和创新。
- 提高合规性 :人力资源专家能够更好地确保企业遵守劳动法,进一步降低受处罚的风险。
- 可扩展性 :外包人力资源服务为企业提供了根据需要扩大或缩小员工队伍的灵活性,使他们能够快速适应不断变化的市场条件。
1. 雇主记录(EOR)或称为专业雇主组织(PEO)
EOR 提供全面的人力资源外包解决方案,通常称为共同雇佣安排。在这种安排下,EOR 充当税务和保险方面的正式雇主,而客户则控制企业的运营和管理。EOR 通常负责处理工资单、福利管理、遵守就业法和风险管理等任务。这种模式对于希望获得财富 500 强级人力资源服务而无需支付管理费用的中小型企业尤其有吸引力。
2. 行政服务组织 (ASO)
ASO 为企业提供一系列行政人力资源服务,类似于 PEO,但没有共同雇佣关系。在 ASO 模式中,客户公司在将选定的人力资源职责委托给 ASO 的同时,仍保留其作为合法雇主的角色。这些职责可能涉及管理工资单、员工福利、确保人力资源合规性以及管理风险。ASO 提供灵活性和定制选项,使企业能够根据其独特需求定制服务,同时保持对员工队伍的控制。
人力资源外包提供商提供广泛的人力资源服务, 从基本的行政任务到战略人力资源咨询。与通常将多种服务捆绑在一起的 PEO 和 ASO 不同,HRO 可以提供单点选项,让企业只选择他们需要的服务。这种灵活性使 HRO 成为具有特定人力资源需求或希望补充现有人力资源能力的企业的理想选择。HRO 提供的常见服务包括工资单处理、福利管理、招聘、培训、绩效管理和合规性。
RPO 提供商专门代表客户企业管理招聘流程。这可能包括候选人寻找、筛选、面试和工作机会管理。RPO 服务对于面临大量招聘需求或在竞争激烈的市场中寻找专业人才的企业尤其有益。通过将招聘流程外包给 RPO 提供商,企业可以节省时间和资源,同时确保获得顶级候选人。
Factors To Consider When Selecting HR Outsourcing Services
Choosing the right HR outsourcing services provider is crucial for successful collaboration. Here are some key considerations to take into account during the selection process:
1. Appoint an internal employee to manage the process
To ensure a seamless process while selecting HR outsourcing services, choose an internal employee familiar with the company’s operations and objectives. The person in charge would know best how to address the employees’ needs and requirements.
2. Identify the support required
Be clear on the support needed for the company to thrive, such as employee training, recruitment, organizational structure, or payroll. By knowing what kind of support is required, companies can search for a provider to meet their expectations and provide tailored solutions to their needs.
3. Evaluate the expertise of the outsourced HR company
As there are several HR tasks, every HR outsourcing service provider has their strengths and weaknesses. Find out which tasks they specialize in and evaluate whether the tasks are what your company is looking for. Get to know their certifications, qualifications and industry experience so that you can decide if they have the necessary skills or knowledge to handle your HR tasks.
4. Research the outsourced HR company’s reputation
Knowing about the reputation of the outsourced HR provider is crucial, as you wouldn’t want to work with a company with a bad reputation. Look through the online reviews and client testimonials and spot any negative feedback, such as inability to deliver or poor customer support.
5. Review the pricing plans
Budget constraints are vital when looking for an HR outsourcing services provider. As most companies set a budget for outsourcing services, find out the available pricing plans and whether they fall within the budget. Since companies are constantly evolving, look for plans that allow you to adjust the services accordingly.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. What is HR Outsourcing Services?
HR Outsourcing Services involves engaging with a third-party provider to handle all HR management or specific functions such as recruitment, payroll, or employee training.
2. What is the primary reason to outsource HR services?
Companies outsource HR services to reduce costs and save time. When a third-party provider handles HR tasks, companies can focus on other core activities and save costs such as salaries or administrative expenses for an in-house team.
3. What are the advantages of outsourcing HR?
Some advantages of outsourcing HR services include access to advanced HR technology, working with an experienced team of professionals, and providing a seamless process for HR-related tasks.
4. What are the crucial things to know when outsourcing HR services?
Companies need to be aware that once their HR services are outsourced, they will not have complete control over the service quality. This means that companies require consistent communication with third-party providers to ensure everything is in tip-top condition.
5. What HR functions can a company outsource?
The typical HR functions companies can outsource would be payroll, filing taxes, recruitment, project management, and employee benefits administration.
6. What should a company consider when choosing HR outsourcing services?
Before choosing a third-party provider, companies should identify the business goals, find out about the provider’s history and reputation, look through the reviews, and know more about the provider’s expertise as well as the available pricing plans.
7. What kind of companies can outsource their HR functions?
All companies of any size can benefit from outsourcing their HR functions, from small businesses to large MNCs.